casual sex
Don’t be Afraid of Your Fetish
Are you:
- Turned on by pregnant women?
- Aroused by feet?
- Constantly thinking about how you would tie up your partner and spank them until they scream?
If one of these fetishes sounds like you, call 0800 - … just kidding. If one of these fetishes sounds like you, don’t worry. Everyone has a kink whether they’ve discovered it or not. It might be as simple as enjoying sex more by an open fire. It might be as complicated as licking someone’s feet from under their desk whilst masturbating. Whatever your fetish may be, we’re here to help and to tell you that you...
Is There a Problem With Vanilla Sex?
To say that someone is ‘kinky’ or ‘vanilla’ is to ignore the wide and varied world of fetishes and sexual preferences nestled under the umbrella term of ‘kinky’. Simply put, it’s hard to say someone is truly vanilla or kinky. Everyone is different and everyone has different ways to enjoy their sexuality. Just because you enjoy being spanked does not mean you are into BDSM. Just because you enjoy having sex in the missionary position, does not mean you only enjoy having vanilla sex. As a culture, humans are obsessed with labelling things. You have to fit one label or another or we...
Worst Chat Up Lines Ever
In keeping with our recent glut on what to write in a first message, we’ve decided to share and comment on some of the worst chat up lines we’ve had the misfortune to read. Sadly I wish I could say these were false. Sadly they’re not. Read on dear user, but beware these types of chat up lines in your conversations. The chances of you getting laid using them will be zero to none.
1. Opener: “Spit or swallow?”
Response: “Douchebagosauraus or Fucktard?”
This one made me laugh. But considering the guy had just been pretty lame with his opening...
Top 5 Messaging tips Guaranteed to Get you a Response
Over in the UK we’ve been talking about the top mistakes people (mostly guys) make when sending someone a message for the first time. We’re letting the blokes in blighty ponder our sage advice for a while. Whilst they’re doing that, we thought we’d dispense some similar advice to the studs in Oz. Having trouble getting a girl to message you back? Wondering why, even though you’re sending hundreds – if not thousands of messages – no one is responding? Sit back and listen up hot shot. You’re about to get your mind opened and filled with advice on just how to chat up a date online....
What’s it like to be a porn star?
Loads of our members enjoy porn. Hell, the reason the industry is so big is because of the sheer volume of people who view porn. Often seen as a seedy industry, proper pornography can be just as complex to film and edit as a Hollywood blockbuster. Male actors have to stay hard in extraordinary situations, female actors sometimes have to deep throat a dick for hours on end and the camera crew can get exhausted trying to get as many angles as possible on film. Porn to us is a useful fantasy aid to have when masturbating or when with a fuck buddy. But what’s it actually like to be a porn...
Top 5 Ways to Get a response from a F-Buddy
Quite often you message a lot of people hoping to get a reply, and the next time you look in your inbox you find it’s still empty. Why is no one responding to you? It could be a number of things. They could be busy and just haven’t had time to read your message yet. It could be their message box is full and they can’t receive anymore messages. It could be that you send the exact same messages to different people. Whatever the reason, here are a few ways to boost your chances of getting a response to your messages.
People (women...
How to find a hot date
I have dated women who at the time I thought were way out of my league. I’ve dated stereotypically hot eastern European women who all seem to look like they’ve walked off the cover of a bikini shoot. I’ve dated athletically good looking blonde former police officers. I even accidentally got drunk at a film premier party and ended up in bed with a very hot dancer the same night. I never thought I would ever come even close to dating let alone sleeping with women of this supposedly ‘high’ calibre. But I did.
What kind of person am I?
I would stereotypically be called a...
Do Looks Really Matter Online?
The first thing that people look at when searching for an online date or hook up is the profile picture. Sorry to all those daters out there who hold onto the myth that ‘looks don’t matter’, but unfortunately they do. At least at first. Profiles that have no photo are 80% more likely to be ignored than profiles that do have a photo. But if you’re worried about how you look in your photos, then try either getting someone you trust to take pictures of you, or take some yourself. I know so many people who hate having their picture taken, but when it comes to online dating (especially...
Outfits that Guarantee Sex
There are things that we can do to make ourselves more attractive. Hollywood is a prime example of how much difference a subtle change to hair, makeup and clothes can make to a person. You only have to look at the before and after photos of various stars like Mila Kunis, Brad Pitt or Jennifer Lawrence to see how ordinary they look without the makeup and right clothes. They have been taught how to dress and how to present themselves to the camera so that they look the best that they can. The same is true for those of us in the real world. We may not have access to the same kind of help...
Libido in Autumn
You would often think of summer being the best months for sex. Usually you’d be right as the rays make people wear less, see more and want more. The hungry desire for some hot sex in the summer is present in most of our lives. Yet what about the other months? What about the colder months of the year? Surprisingly these are some of the hottest months for sex with women’s libidos in particular charging ahead at full steam. So what exactly is it about autumn and winter that inspires this particular phenomenon?
What Happens
1. Testosterone Levels Increase...